This February the 2019 Mens’ Conference took place in Oak Brook, IL, on February 7–9. Pastor Gary Fraley spoke several times, including two messages titled, “Five Surprises When Walking in the Center of God’s Will” and “All Humans Are Prodigals.” Gil Bates gave his exhortations for each man there, and as husbands and fathers, we all need to be reminded of ways to show our love and support to our wives and children. Peter Magnuson gave a message titled, “Leadership God’s Way,” which took the familiar passage of Psalm 23 and presented a model for fathers, just as God leads us in our Christian experience.

This message by Peter Magnuson is the Message of the Month for March. We invite you to view the message “Leadership God’s Way,” and if you would like to sign up to receive the free Message of the Month reminder emails, please visit

The men were thankful to be together, and enjoyed times of prayer, singing, fellowship, and hearing from God’s Word. Afterward, ATI received a letter from a wife whose husband and son attended the conference. She wrote: “My husband and fourteen-year-old son recently attended the IBLP Men’s Conference. When they returned from the conference each night, they would share with me about things they had learned. I have never seen my husband as well as my son so encouraged in their Christian walk! Several of the speakers took time to talk with my husband and our son, and they had many edifying conversations. Thank you to all the men who discipled and encouraged them at the conference; you made a great impact on them. My husband even thanked me for encouraging them to attend. Our son told me he wants to do an exhortation at church. It will be his first exhortation and the topic he chose is “contentment” which was one of the things discussed at the conference.”

Another attendee shared: “The Mens’ Conference held this February in Oak Brook was exceptional in regards to the depth of the messages presented by the various speakers. I was personally encouraged and challenged in my walk with Christ by every one of those messages. There were many spiritual truths laid out in a logical and practical manner to aid in application in our lives. There seemed to be a gentle calling to the deepening of our roots in Christ. I truly enjoyed the beginning of new friendships with the men who were present. There was a wonderful unity of the Spirit present among all of the men. Thank you to all who labored to host this and to offer us the opportunity to attend.”