Australia Families Gather for In-Person Family Conference

February 17, 2023

In January, we were excited to finally again host an in-person three-day Australia Family Conference with Covid-19 restrictions lifted. 

Registration following such a long break was slow, but by conference time we had a great attendance of approximately 100 people! Everyone shared how they were greatly appreciative of the messages and fellowship. Inspiring sessions by live speakers centered on the theme “Continue in the Word.” Attendees also heard some of the previously recorded messages from the Big Sandy or Northwoods Family Conference recorded messages. Gabriel and Sara Cleator were present and shared about the ministry in the U.S. Many of those attending the conference shared about how these messages challenged them. The Spirit of God was at work strengthening whole families. 

The primary school-aged children’s program was called “Pathfinders.” That program had a nautical theme and the children “took sail” by learning Psalm 46. They also studied how our life is changed by having Christ as our Captain. 

The Cleators also led the teen program “Innovators.” The leaders encouraged the young people to seek spiritually “higher ground” and press onward and upward in their relationship with Christ. 

Following the Family Conference, the Student Conference took place. Many of the young people who had served throughout the Family Conference in the children’s program and other ministries were able to attend and spend their own time focused on the Lord. Their theme “Not conformed but Transformed” was brought to life by Gabriel and other speakers as they shared about how we are transformed by Scripture, prayer, praise, and thanksgiving. Afterward, the students shared their conference highlights. Many mentioned the times spent with God during meditation, the hour of prayer, and (a personal favorite) the praise session where we worshipped corporately.  What a small foretaste of heaven! 

We are so grateful for the Lord using so many of His people to serve, minister to, and bless those who attend the conferences. We look forward to continuing in God’s Word!

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