A beacon of light shone in Russia as youth and ministers gathered to hear truth presented in two separate conferences. There were seventy participants who gathered at Vyatskie Polyany to hear a teaching on “The Lie, Creation, and the Fall of Man” presented by Dennis Kutusov. An invitation was extended to return for more teaching April 24-26, 2015.
A youth conference in Siberia held in the midst of winter with temperatures of minus 30 degrees did not deter 60 young people from gathering in Salim to hear the Seminar Principle of Suffering and the consequences of fearing man rather than fearing God. Salim is 1300 miles northwest of Moscow, and attendees from a 300-mile radius traveled there for the three-day conference which Dennis Kutusov taught. Participants were very receptive, and another conference has been scheduled for October of this year.
In January, Mr. Kutusov conducted a Leadership Training Seminar in Pskov, a city located about 20 kilometers east from the Estonian border. Again, participants were appreciative of the teaching and scheduled a follow-up Marriage Seminar for May 7-9.
On March 2-5, Mr. Kutusov taught an Introduction to Basic Life Principles course at the Moscow Theological Seminary to eleven future pastors and teachers from various regions of Russia. Those attending the course learned vital truths about deepening their living relationship with Christ.
Forty regional leaders from Western Ukraine gathered in February outside the historic city of Rivne at a former Pioneer Camp. Their purpose was to attend a Basic Leadership Training Course taught by Bob Bair. Afterward these men returned to their home areas where they are ministering to local church families and counseling those who are experiencing difficulties related to the consequences of war, unemployment, and family strife. The turmoil in Ukraine continues, and those believers who can communicate foundational life principles are greatly needed. After the training one young man stated, “All of Ukraine needs this material,” and he then requested a seminar be conducted in Sumi Oblast (a provincial unit in the northeastern part of Ukraine). This invitation opens the door to a new region where there has not previously been an IBLP presence. A seminar is now scheduled there for April 24-26.
The Marriage Seminar in Berezne attracted over sixty young adults, both married and single, seeking to understand God’s perspective on marriage. They came with great interest and left with a better understanding not only of their spouse or potential partner but also of their relationship with Christ. Knowing the family unit is essential for a strong nation, the work of teaching how to build one’s personal walk with Christ so families can be stronger takes on added significance for the future of Ukraine.
Thirty students attended the Financial Freedom Course in Kostopil, Ukraine, taught by Mr. Bair in February. One participant, a German missionary, was astounded by how much the Scriptures contained regarding finances. Some of the attendees were refugees who had lost everything, including their homes in Eastern Ukraine, and needed to rebuild their lives, not just physical structures. They traveled several hundred miles by van to attend. Many gained greater understanding to the reasons for Ukraine’s economic plight and were eager for follow-up with a Basic Leadership Training Seminar two months later in April. Consequently, the Training Course will be conducted in Ternopil Oblast; this will be the first IBLP seminar to be held in this region of the country. There are many strongholds in this region and, as a result, it is the least evangelized area of Ukraine. Pray that the Seminar will impact those who need resources that will enable them to build maturity in Jesus Christ and advance the Kingdom in this part of the world.