Exploring the Principle of Responsibility

Cleansing the conscience


The Principle of Responsibility: Realizing that I will, one day, answer to God for my every thought, word, and action, and doing what is necessary to make amends with those whom I have offended

As we continue in our relationship with the Lord, He will touch on things in our lives that may be coming between us and others or the Lord Himself. The Apostle Paul emphasized the importance of maintaining a clear conscience when he stated, “Herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men” (Acts 24:16). He also charged Timothy, his son in the faith, to keep a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith so that he could truly love others and stay on course in the Christian life. (See I Timothy 1:5–6, 18–20.) 

Rather than blaming others, denying your wrong, or making excuses, pursue having a clear conscience at all costs. Gaining a clear conscience involves taking responsibility for your actions, seeking forgiveness, and making restitution.

Rather than blaming others, denying your wrong, or making excuses, pursue having a clear conscience at all costs.

Throughout the pages of Scripture, principles are contained that provide guidance for our personal lives and relationships. These principles touch on every relational sphere of life, whether it be marriage, family, business, church, or government. All relationships encounter conflict at some point, and if this conflict is not resolved, psychological, spiritual, and even physical damage can result. But when we discover that our conflicts are connected to violations of God’s principles, and we learn to adhere to these principles through the power of the Holy Spirit, a resolution can be experienced that produces peace in our daily interactions. When we learn to see and respond to life’s challenges from God’s viewpoint, and choose His grace over our natural inclination, everything changes!

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