Family Journey Coming This Fall

August 7, 2019

Do you desire to set aside time to focus on growing personally in your relationship with the Lord as well as growing together as a family? Do you desire to have a time of refocusing your family around the Lord and His Word? Consider attending a Family Journey to the Heart. Scripture commands, “Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you” (Hosea 10:12). The goal of Journey to the Heart is to provide a place for people to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and seek the face of the Lord. Now the whole family can come on a Journey and seek the Lord together with the exciting new Family Journey! 

The Family Journey to the Heart will be hosted in the scenic Northwoods of Michigan September 21–29. With a beautiful lake, stunning fall colors, and cool weather, there is hardly a better place to host a Family Journey. 

A family that attended the Family Journey last year stated this:

“What a privilege it was to be a part of the first Family Journey! We went not knowing what to expect, but hoping for a chance to grow closer as a family and to sow into the hearts of our 7 children. And that sure happened! We thoroughly enjoyed our week together. God did such a huge work in all of us, even the little ones. The fellowship among families was close and inspiring. The sessions were powerful, and, because they were so informal, it was easy to open up and share our hearts. We were surprised at how much our children shared and diligently poured over their Journey workbooks. We all grew so close as we grew in our relationship with Christ.” Ken and Marie from Ohio

One of their children shared the following testimony about her experience on the Family Journey: 

“Going on the Family Journey to the Heart was a big blessing to me! The teaching and truths were extremely powerful. It revealed to me many things… one being who I really am without a Savior. It brought me to surrendering my whole life to Christ and experiencing the joy of being born again several days after returning home. Another powerful truth I learned was that I cannot live the Christian life on my own. It’s all about Christ in me the hope of glory! And lastly, I learned the importance of meditating on God’s Word. I have found this to be a very life changing thing!” Charity, 14

For more information about the Family Journey or to register, visit Register by Saturday, August 10, and receive $50 off your registration! 

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