Recently the island nation of Taiwan completed seminars in three cities: Hsinchu, Tainan, and Taipei. Over 900 people attended at the three locations. Since most Taiwanese are unable to attend an entire seminar in one week, the adult seminars are usually presented in two parts. The first sessions were held in January and February, with the remainder occurring in March and April.
Several stirring testimonies came as a result of God working in people’s lives. One lady who was a first-time attendee shared how God worked in her heart because of what she had learned at the seminar. She began to understand why she could not get along with her mother. For the first time in many years, she returned to her mother and asked for forgiveness. As a result, the woman is seeing God repair their relationship.

In another touching testimony, a father shared how he had brought his whole family to attend the seminar. He had four young children and wanted to begin home educating them. The man shared that he was diagnosed with a rare, stage-four skin cancer. Not knowing how much time he had left, he wanted to be able to give a good account to God regarding how he had cared for his children. Bringing them to attend the seminar was another way he was investing in them.
In addition to the seminars, some local churches in Hsinchu and Tainan have been using seminar materials for their Sunday School lessons. In this weekly setting class members have more time to discuss, pray, and apply what they are learning. The messages can go deeper into their lives as they continue to meditate on and discuss the truths from God’s Word.

VOICE Missions allows young people to go to remote places in Taiwan to teach English to elementary school students. This semester there are thirty-seven teachers in nine locations throughout Taiwan. For fifteen years, the Lord has placed His representatives in these hard-to-reach areas to impact lives for His kingdom. This indeed is a rare opportunity!

Interested in serving in Taiwan as a VOICE Missions teacher? The upcoming required VOICE TESOL training will be in Oklahoma City, July 8–26. Attendees participate in team devotions, English classes (both observation and collaborative teaching), outings, holiday dinners, and a musical production for graduation night. This course is unique because students not only receive training in teaching English, but also have valuable hands-on ministry and teaching opportunities. TESOL attendees have the opportunity to practice the skills learned in the course as they interact with summer exchange students from Taiwan, China, and Hong Kong. For more information, please go to There are many openings to be filled for the coming school year; is God calling you?