Hong Kong Family Conference Report

January 26, 2018

The second IBLP Hong Kong Family Conference was held December 30, 2017–January 3, 2018, at a camp in Fanling, Hong Kong. Praise God for His providence and working in this Family Conference. In attendance were a total of 196 people: 76 families with 66 children from seven provinces in China and Hong Kong. 

Praise the Lord for His divine arrangement in providing the team who came from America to help in the conference. Pastor Frank addressed the Biblical purpose behind marriage, the church, and life purpose, while Pastor Sun and his wife shared on the more practical aspects of Christian living such as marriage and child-rearing. Their daughter, Melody Sun, along with Mr. Tim Ying, led a children’s program called the Shine Character Camp. 

The Shine Character Camp was a joy to watch. A team of 4 teachers, 6 helpers, Melody Sun, and Mr. Tim Ying cared for 52 children during the conference. The teachers diligently prepared and trained for the week, praying for each child months before the camp began. Even after going home, children were still talking about the teachers, singing the songs, and quoting character traits they had learned.

Please pray that the conference attendees would continue to apply the truths they learned to their lives. Pray also that the Lord’s work would continue unhindered.

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