It is all too common for us to have a list of excuses for why we don’t have to honor our parents. While there may be situations in which we need to “obey God rather than men,” most often we are just looking for an excuse because honoring them is hard and uncomfortable. It all boils down to our heart — if our heart is to honor our parents, we will look for ways to do it.
In a day where it is culturally acceptable to dishonor parents and those in authority, it is so important for us to be reminded of the command to “Honor Your Parents.” Sadly this attitude of dishonor is something that has been disregarded and excused even by Christians. The honoring of those over us is something very close to the heart of God. As you listen, be exhorted to turn your ear away from what is culturally “normal” and give weight to what the Word of God says about this area.