Chinese New Year is always a time of joy and festivity in East Asian countries. This year there was a special excitement in the air in Hong Kong. IBLP Hong Kong held its fiftieth seminar camp for attendees from Mainland China! A total of 172 people were there at Suen Douh camp in Fanling. There were 152 adults, 10 children, and 10 volunteers. February 10-14, 2016, was a valuable time of investing in lives spiritually in the midst of beginning the Chinese New Year!
Attending this seminar camp were a wide range of different stages of walk with God, including some non-believers. One of the volunteers, a seminary student named Michael, presented the Gospel before Session 13 on the assurance of salvation. A simple worship service was held on Sunday morning, and Michael also shared the Good News in the sermon. Afterwards, there was great rejoicing as one of the attendees prayed and accepted Christ as His Savior. Praise God!
A seminar alumnus came to this fiftieth seminar camp as a childcare volunteer so that the parents could fully focus on the sessions. The children enjoyed playing with “Big Brother John.” He also invested in the youngsters as he led worship singing and taught lessons. After facilitating the first few seminar sessions, an IBLP Hong Kong staffer visited the children one afternoon and taught them “The Five Keys of Obedience” and the Wordless Book. While parents attended their seminar sessions, their children were well-cared for and received important Biblical instruction.
During this seminar camp, small group discussions were also incorporated. The goal was to help the attendees internalize what they heard and apply it in their lives. Even after nine years with fifty camps, the Hong Kong staff is still discovering new ways to improve communication methods and serve the various groups of people coming to learn!
Another new idea used recently is to invite attendees to write their prayer requests on the back of their nametags before they return them. Those who do this often ask for prayer for the salvation of their family members, for their own marriages, for their faithfulness and growth in Christian living, and for Biblical wisdom in making right choices in courtship. One young (twelve years old) alumnus asked for prayer that he would be able to be a pastor one day!
Completing fifty seminar camps is a wonderful milestone and we give God praise. Looking back on nine years of seminars, each one was uniquely different. One alumnus who attended in 2008 has continued attending and bringing groups since then. This seminar camp she served as one of our volunteers working at the book table. IBLP Hong Kong is grateful for all that God has done in the lives of alumni and is praying for God’s leading and blessing on them. While rejoicing in nine years and fifty successful seminar camps and changed lives, there is great hope and expectation at God’s continued work in this part of the world in the coming days and years!