New Zealand’s Annual Family Conference was attended by over 140 parents and children, January 22–26, 2015. Held at the Arahina Training Centre, the conference speakers shared their love for God and His Word. At mealtimes, everyone gathered for delicious food and encouraging fellowship under the large tent. One father said his favorite part of the day was when the men gathered together in the mornings for prayer. Both young and old enjoyed and benefited from the inspirational and instructional times together.
Chris and Anne Hogan spoke live at the conference; many families enjoyed meeting them in person. The Hogans’ messages were very powerful and well-received. One conference highlight was the testimony of a couple’s restored marital relationship after counseling with the Hogans. Another father remarked how wonderful it was to see lives transformed through their ministry!

Several families presented songs before the evening sessions through instruments and singing, using God’s gift of music to bless and encourage others. Many parents were encouraged to see their children participating in the music.
The theme of the Children’s Institute was “Choices = Consequences!” The children enjoyed crafts, activities, and games that taught real life lessons. They learned that every action and choice made will have either a good or a bad consequence. Toward the program’s end, the children heard about the most important choice they will make, and it was reported that one of the children joyfully gave his heart to the Lord!

Both the Family Conference and the Student Conference were an excellent time of fellowship and growth for all involved. Many young people who grew up going to Children’s Institutes in New Zealand are now running the children’s programs. The New Zealand families look forward to seeing how the Lord will work in the future. What a great way to begin a new year by gathering with others of the same mind and Spirit and seeking how to honor God in their lives in 2015!The Student Conference followed the Family Conference, allowing all the young people who faithfully served in the children’s program a chance to focus on their own personal walk with Christ. This year’s theme was “Understanding Your Identity in Christ.” Chris Hogan spoke to the young people on theme-related topics, such as his talk entitled “Who Am I and Whose Am I?” Many young people commented on how much they enjoyed his sessions.