IBLP is actively involved in ministry around the world. Recently we received reports from Australia, Romania, and Hong Kong. The following is exciting news of what God is doing in these countries and prayer requests for the ministries there.
Norm Wakefield Scheduled for Australia’s Family Conference!
On September 22–23, 2017, we are hosting our Regional Family Conference, combined with a Family Day beforehand (September 21). We are excited to have Norm and Alma Wakefield from the United States as our speakers during the conference, encouraging us in our walk with God. Norm Wakefield’s ministry, The Spirit of Elijah Ministries, was organized in 1999, with the vision statement to “build the Kingdom of God and the local church by equipping men and their families to be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.” Norm is a popular, oft-requested speaker, and we are excited that he will be speaking at our upcoming conference! Please pray for the Wakefields’ safe journey to and from Australia and Norm’s preparation for his messages from God’s Word. Also, please pray that the Lord will bring many families to the Regional Family Conference, and for manpower and provisions for all the preparations leading up to the conference.

Throughout the year we offer Family Days. These were begun by Dr. Tim Levendusky in 2004, when he was serving here in Australia. They are scheduled for every third Thursday of the month and are always well-attended. Family Days are special days of opportunity for any and all home educating families and to also have a teaching time from the Commands of Christ and a study on a specific character quality. Many people see our lovely Yarra Training Centre as a haven from the world and a safe place for their children to connect and play.
Character Accreditation Progresses in Romania

The Lord is really blessing the work in Romania! On May 5, we started the first group of teachers with the accredited online platform. Each teacher is at a different stage and hopefully by the end of the month all of them will be finished with this part of the program. Two new groups have formed by word-of-mouth in different cities of the same district and will start their training at the beginning of the school year. Also, we just received and completed final adjustments on the character training elective program and are ready to it submit for approval. After preparing for so long to have this online program for educators, we are excited to see it now in action! Please pray for the response regarding the program’s evaluation and continue to pray for the educators desiring to learn and teach character in the public schools of Romania.
Praying for Hong Kong

Praise the Lord! We are grateful that the Lord is continuing to work and transform people’s lives for His glory through the IBLP ministry in China and Hong Kong.

Traveling from provinces near and far across China, people come to Hong Kong and attend the IBLP seminars with great expectation and a desire to learn about growing spiritually. At the seminars, participants are able to understand causes and Biblical solutions for various problems and issues in life. Having found the Bible to be so practical for their lives, many people develop a greater desire to read and search the Scriptures upon their return home. Please pray for our seminar alumni in China:
1) that they would be able to find a church where the Scripture and the truth are taught and seen as the highest authority,
2) that they would be equipped in learning how to study and search the Scripture themselves, and
3) that grace and peace be multiplied unto them through the knowledge of God and of Jesus Christ our Lord.

We are preparing for two scheduled events for friends from China in Hong Kong: another seminar camp (the 56th one!) in early October and a second Family Conference toward the end of this year. Please pray for the two events:
1) that the Lord will bring those who need to attend the seminar camp and the Family Conference,
2) that the Lord will send His volunteer workers to serve with us, and
3) that we will have wisdom in preparing for the two events according to His thoughts and His ways.
As you pray for the ministry in Hong Kong, please join us, also, in praying for the Lord’s leading in serving the people here. We are asking God for wisdom in working with churches using the IBLP resources and for the right people to serve with us in meeting the needs of people.
Thank you for lifting up the International ministries of IBLP. Your prayers are a vital part of the work in these countries.