Statement Regarding Resignation

March 17, 2014

The stated corporate purpose of the Institute in Basic Life Principles, Inc. is to introduce individuals to God’s basic way of life through the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Institute remains committed to this purpose and to helping individuals live out their salvation, received by grace through faith, and apply Biblical truths in their daily lives.

A few weeks ago, Bill Gothard respectfully submitted his resignation to the Board of the Institute and the Board unanimously and in unanimity asked him to withdraw it until a review by outside legal counsel was complete and recommendations given. At the Board’s encouragement, Mr. Gothard agreed to withdraw his resignation. However, based on assertions brought by various individuals and groups, Mr. Gothard was placed on administrative leave where he was to have no contact with the ministry pending such review.

On March 5, 2014, Mr. Gothard again submitted his resignation indicating that he wanted to follow Matthew 5:23-24 and listen to those who have “ought against” him. In considering what was in the best interests of the Institute, the Board of Directors accepted Mr. Gothard’s resignation.

On March 14, 2014, the Board of Directors announced the appointment of Dr. Tim Levendusky as the interim president for the Institute. Meanwhile, the Christ honoring review process shall continue and a future statement will be issued once the review is complete and submitted to the Board of Directors.

Board of Directors
Institute in Basic Life Principles, Inc.

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