Trusting the Lord with Our Finances
Our Guiding Financial Principles
Since its inception, the Institute in Basic Life Principles has maintained the following three financial guidelines:
1. We trust God to provide operating funds rather than soliciting contributions.
Over the many years, the faith of ones like George Müller and Hudson Taylor influenced the IBLP practice of not soliciting funds. IBLP believes that God will provide needed ministry funds through answer to prayer.
While we do not ever ask for donations, we realize that in today’s world, many prefer to give through online options. We believe that providing an opportunity to make a donation online is in keeping with our financial policies.
2. We do not borrow money or start projects without sufficient funds on hand to cover costs.
We believe that the Bible discourages (see Romans 13:8) and warns of the consequences of borrowing money, including the “borrower becoming a servant to the lender” (see Proverbs 22:7).
3. We return gifts that donors have identified as a tithe, encouraging them instead to give their tithe to their local church.
In support of the work that God does through the vital functions of the local church, we believe a Christian should tithe to his church rather than to IBLP. Gifts beyond the tithe are accepted.
The Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP), incorporated since 1961, is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit, charitable organization. IBLP is audited annually by the public accounting firm UHY LLP, Certified Public Accountants. Gifts to IBLP are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the United States Internal Revenue Code.