A Vision for Manhood
Quest helps young men 14 and older reject the myth of adolescence and encourages them to choose Christ-like manliness; however, the choice alone does not in and of itself result in success. The first step to pursuing Biblical manhood is understanding there is a path that must be taken to get there. Most young men want to be like dad, but they just don’t know how to get there from where they are. Quest will present a clear route that a student can follow, with help from his parents, once he returns home.
This route is built upon six foundational “pillars” or roles that men are designed to hold: Priest, Protector, Provider, Partner, Parent, and Servant Leader. Each of these roles is vital for developing and sustaining healthy relationships in the spheres of family, friends, and the workplace. In order to effectively teach these principles, Quest seeks out seasoned, Godly men who are able to mentor the students from years of experience.
Practical Life Skills
Many parents struggle to find ways to teach their young men the basic skills needed to meet the challenges of life. Quest provides opportunities for students to get hands-on experience while working alongside mature Christian men. Skills classes include ropes, knots, and rappelling; basic first aid, flat water canoeing, navigation, search and rescue, wilderness survival, basic auto repair, metal working, job skills and interview etiquette, and leadership principles. The goal is to instill a desire in every young man to take responsibility at home as a result of the confidence he gains through these projects.
Disciplines for Success
The most important aspect of maturity is a young man’s walk with God, and Quest focuses on developing habits for spiritual growth. Daily devotions, Scripture memory, and journaling are just a few of the disciplines that will help the Quest student grow closer to Christ. In addition to developing a sound mind, Quest students participate in physical training in order to develop a sound body. Hiking and daily exercise sessions not only aid in developing strength and healthy habits, but also prepare each student to be fit and ready to tackle challenges wherever he may go.
Quest 2016
The first Quest program was held in July 2006. Since then, more than 350 participants from the United States and other countries have attended this summer program, growing in their love for the Lord, forging strong friendships, and learning principles and skills necessary in becoming a mature man. This year’s Quest is June 25 – July 22, 2016. For more information or to register, please visit www.alertacademy.com/quest/ or call 903-636-2000, ext. 2777.