Key Verse
The operational definition of creativity is “approaching a need, a task, or an idea from a new perspective.” Perspective is a point of view or way of looking at an object, an idea, or a situation. Each person has a unique way of viewing circumstances. When you focus only on your own perspective, your understanding will be limited. Many problems can be resolved by looking at them differently. Understanding and inspiration often come as you ask God or others for ideas, consider times you did this before, and search for wisdom. Creativity does not always mean having a new idea, but it may mean applying what you already know in a different way. The creative person thinks of ways to improve results and produce excellent work. He is excited when his ideas benefit others.
The opposite of creativity is underachievement. An underachieving person does less than he could or should. Remaining in his comfort zone, he misses opportunities to grow. Apathy may cause him to rush through an assignment because he doesn’t care about the quality. He may not realize how his lack of effort impacts others and saps their energy. He exerts little effort to find a way around obstacles. His poor work may result from laziness, feelings of inadequacy, or a fear of failure. Underachievement may also be due to insufficient knowledge, limited perspective, or a lack of inspiration. However, a person can develop his creativity and be more productive as he seeks knowledge and wisdom.
Evaluation Questions
- Have I identified my interests, talents, and abilities?
- Do I allow God’s Word to inspire and direct my creative energy?
- How do I use my creativity to benefit others?
- Do I look for potential new opportunities in the challenges I face?
- When one way doesn’t work, do I give up, or do I try again with a new approach?
- Do I overcome boredom by seeking positive or productive activities?
- Am I quick to say “no” to someone’s new idea, or am I willing to try it?
- Do I look for faster and more productive ways to work instead of sticking with the usual method?
- Do I cultivate creative ideas through observation, research, and play?
More About Creativity

God enables me to:
Recognize that I am blessed with gifts.
Expand my skills.
Think His thoughts.
See opportunities instead of obstacles.
View things from more than one perspective.
Keep trying.
Use my talents for good.
Use Biblical principles to solve problems.
Learn from every situation.
Seek new ways to build my character.
Creativity in Scripture
Four Friends Find a Way

Revealed in Nature

For Kids
Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum
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