Key Verse
The operational definition of justice is “personal responsibility to uphold God’s unchanging laws.” The word justice usually brings to mind judges, courtrooms, and police officers. However, justice goes beyond the duty of God-given rulers to govern citizens by man’s law and extends to the duty of every individual to govern himself righteously in light of God’s Law. In order to become familiar with God’s laws and principles, we must diligently read and meditate on His Word. A judge considers all the evidence before him and reaches a verdict, or conclusion, based on the law. In the same way, you can carefully evaluate the factors of each situation you encounter and make your decision according to God’s Word. King Solomon wisely asked God for a heart to judge the people by discerning right from wrong (I Kings 3:9). We can have peace and security knowing that God’s Word does not change as cultural standards, preferences, and even man’s laws, vary over time.
The opposite of justice is corruption. A corrupt judge is one who is willing to allow bribery, partiality, or personal gain influence his decision in a case. Likewise, a person with a lifestyle that violates or distorts God’s laws without remorse or repentance is corrupt. Such a person makes his choices based on that which pleases him rather than on that which pleases the Lord. A society lacking proper justice tends to oppress the poor and vulnerable because those in power are not held accountable for how they use their authority. You can avoid corruption by living in accordance with God’s laws and being quick to confess and make amends when you disobey His clear direction to you.
Evaluation Questions
- Have I committed to read, memorize, and meditate on God’s Law regularly?
- When I have a decision to make, do I look for Biblical principles to guide me to right conclusions?
- Do I ask God for an understanding heart so that I may make wise and just judgments?
- Am I able to explain the difference between “fairness” and “justice”?
- Do I daily consider that God knows my thoughts and sees all that I say and do?
- Do I take responsibility for my actions, or do I make excuses and blame others?
- When I see injustice, am I willing to take appropriate action?
- Do I want wrongdoers to repent and return to the Lord, or do I only want them punished?
- How can I be involved in restoring a wayward person to God?
More About Justice

God enables me to:
Know God’s Word.
Take personal responsibility.
Use the right methods.
Seek restoration, not revenge.
Defend the weak.
Keep a clear conscience.
Respect the authority of the Law.
Speak out for what is pure, right, and true.
Harbor no prejudice.
Realize that I will answer to God.
Justice in Scripture
A Secret Sin Revealed

Revealed in Nature

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