Key Verse
The operational definition of orderliness is “preparing myself and my surroundings so I will achieve the greatest efficiency.” Being efficient means you do a task successfully, without wasting time or energy. Your desk is one of your “surroundings.” You can prepare this place to be productive by organizing your school supplies so you can quickly find what you need for each assignment. The kitchen is another surrounding you can arrange so that you work more efficiently. You can keep stirring spoons next to the stove or store dishes near the dishwasher to avoid unnecessary trips around the kitchen. Another way to prepare for efficiency is to organize your time. Taking a few moments in the evening to tidy your room, choose your clothing, and plan the next day will help you save time and effort in the morning. Once you make the effort to establish order in your home, you will be amazed at how much extra time you will “find”!
The opposite of orderliness is disorganization. When your room is untidy and your day chaotic, your whole life can feel out of balance! Leaving your clothes on the floor of your room may seem easier than taking the time to put them where they belong. But, as the piles grow, more time will be spent searching to find the articles you want. However, if you maintain a system of tossing your dirty laundry into the hamper and keeping your clean clothes hung in the closet or neatly folded in a drawer, you will save time and bring order to your room! An undisciplined and disorganized person does not realize that clutter is a thief of his time, space, and peace.
Evaluation Questions
- Do I order my day in a way that places my relationship with God above all else?
- Do I regularly make a list of my tasks and then prioritize them?
- Does the neatness of my clothing and appearance reflect both self-acceptance and gratefulness to God for how He made me?
- After I use an item, do I clean it and put it away in its place so I can find it the next time it is needed?
- Do I tend to keep toys, clothing, books, or other possessions that have little or no use?
- Is our home ready to receive guests on short notice?
- Do I cooperate with my parents by keeping the schedule they have designed for our family?
- Am I careful to properly use tools for my tasks so that I do not damage them or hurt myself?
More About Orderliness

God enables me to:
Establish priorities.
Eliminate clutter.
Maintain order.
Understand spiritual responsibilities.
Follow a schedule.
Pick up after myself.
Keep things clean.
Put things where they belong.
Use things only for their intended purposes.
Care for things that belong to others.
Orderliness in Scripture
Nehemiah Cleanses the Temple

Revealed in Nature

For Kids
Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum
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