Key Verse
The operational definition of punctuality is “showing high esteem for other people and their time.” Time is a valuable resource given by God to every person. How a person chooses to use this resource often affects others’ lives. Unlike money, time cannot be saved up. Once time has passed, you cannot retrieve it. A significant way to show kindness to others is to be careful not to waste their time. If you are late, they cannot recover the time they lost while waiting for you. When you value other people and their time, you will be punctual so that none of their time is wasted. You can plan ahead and allow extra time in your day in case you have an unexpected delay. When you love others as yourself, you will do everything possible to respect their time as much as you do your own.
The opposite of punctuality is tardiness. A tardy person is late and does not honor the time commitments he has made. He selfishly does what he wants to do without considering how it will inconvenience others. He may wait until the last minute to start his assignments. Or he might underestimate the time necessary to complete his tasks, thereby missing deadlines. He is easily distracted by less important things. When he takes too long to do his work, others may need to prod him to move on to the next task. Although the tardy person might apologize for being late, he continues to mismanage his time until he has a change of heart. By acknowledging his selfishness and receiving God’s grace, he can overcome his tardiness and learn to respect others’ time.
Evaluation Questions
- How do I prepare to meet God each day for prayer and Bible reading?
- When is the best time for me to go to bed so that I can get enough rest and then get up on time?
- Do I return books and other borrowed items as soon as I have finished using them?
- When God gives me an opportunity to present the Gospel, am I prompt to do so?
- Am I punctual for mealtimes and other family gatherings?
- Do I write thank-you notes and letters in a timely manner?
- Am I punctual and faithful to fulfill commitments that I have made?
- How do I plan ahead so that I am ready to attend an event on time?
- Does my time management reveal that I care more about myself or others?
More About Punctuality

God enables me to:
Make time for Him.
Have the right priorities.
Value time.
Plan and follow a schedule.
Prepare ahead of time.
Be at the right place at the right time.
Prepare for unexpected delays.
Avoid procrastination.
Be early.
Refuse to keep others waiting.
Punctuality in Scripture
Ready for the Bridegroom

Revealed in Nature
Cliff Swallow

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Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum
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