Homeschool Summits Swag Bag

Get your free lesson from the Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum!

Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum: Orderliness

Illustrated in Scripture,
Illustrated in Life

This easy-to-use, Bible-based curriculum is designed to give children a greater understanding of Who God is and how to develop His character in their lives. As we welcome Christ’s work in our hearts and respond in obedient faith, He will form His character in us. The Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum is designed to help you teach a focus on God’s Word and applying His ways in everyday decisions.

This series helps children examine the character of God as portrayed in His Word and examples from the lives of the men and women of Scripture. Bring your teaching to life as you seek the Lord together with character lessons that are fun and memorable!

Designed For:




Sunday School teachers


Bible clubs


Small groups

A complete toolkit for teaching character. Right out of the Bible.


Each booklet uses the stories of Scripture to illuminate a unique character quality, and exposes many lesser-known Biblical accounts to spotlight how God works in the lives of His people.


This curriculum contains everything you will need to give kids a vision for building character through faith in Christ. Lessons, discussion questions, crafts, activities, word games, and coloring pages, are all included!

In-depth video walkthrough:

Each Biblical Character Illustrated booklet includes:

Four Bible Lessons

Each lesson studies an aspect of the character quality. This “God Enables Me” statement is explained in the lesson introduction. The lesson then has a Bible story introduction and Scripture passage, plus discussion and personal application questions.

Memory Verses with Games

An engaging game is part of each lesson’s memory verse. Space is provided for students to record how they may apply the verse in their lives.

Crafts & Activities

Each lesson contains a fun hands-on activity, such as an object lesson, word game, craft, or worksheet to make the lesson enjoyable and memorable. These activities reinforce the character quality in a memorable way.

Coloring Pages

Corresponding with each lesson’s Bible story is a reproducible coloring page. Coloring the lesson picture will keep little hands busy as children listen and learn about men and women in the Bible whose lack of faith produced poor character or whose walk with God resulted in good character.

Hymn & Hymn Story

Add depth and meaning to the hymns you know, and learn new ones together! Lessons include a hymn and the inspiring accounts of their authors and composers, as well as the fascinating stories and historical events connected with them.

Salvation Object Lesson

In our own strength, we cannot consistently demonstrate genuine character. Our inability reveals our need for Christ and the Holy Spirit to change us. An easy-to-present, interactive salvation message is available to present to the students.

What families around the world are saying:

“I am homeschooling my children and I like the resources available on this site for character building lessons. I just want to say thank you so much.”
Family from Nigeria
“I love to look through your booklets to tutor myself and my children with God’s Word and put it into practice in different areas of our lives.”
Family from South Korea
“The new Character Curriculum is a wonderful concept that encourages godly character and also gives children a foundation in the great hymns of the faith. Praise the Lord for a curriculum of this nature!”
“Thank you for putting this character curriculum together. My children have really enjoyed having the qualities laid out in such a fun and easy way to understand . . . [It has] brought about some great discussion times in our family.”
Mom from Kansas
“[This] curriculum is a great asset to any family. The concepts are simple enough for little children, but also great food for thought for their elders!”
“[This] curriculum . . . puts you on an awesome path and the Holy Spirit leads you on rich ‘rabbit trails’ that can’t be planned.”
Homeschool Mom

Help your children see God’s character through His Word.

You’ll get a free lesson from our Orderliness booklet!

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