
Wisdom Booklets

Revealing the Riches of God’s Word

Each Wisdom Booklet explores and expands upon the meaning of verses from Jesus’ famous “Sermon on the Mount” as recorded in Matthew 5–7. By taking a unit study approach, the Wisdom Booklets serve to “scratch the surface” of the depth of the riches of God’s Word, and it is our prayer that each booklet will awaken in you a desire to meditate and search more deeply into the Scriptures.

Each booklet provides intriguing and thought-provoking examples on how to apply Jesus’ teachings to modern life. Filled with illustrations, concepts and analogies that will stay with you for life, the Wisdom Booklets show a perspective into the heart of God.

The unique approach taken by each Wisdom Booklet builds education on the foundation of faith in Christ and understanding His ways. This equips fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters to view every aspect of life from a Biblical perspective.

Study Details

Unit studies relate each verse of the Sermon on the Mount to:

  • Key Concept from each passage
  • Scripture meditation worksheet
  • Character quality worksheet
  • Greek & Hebrew word studies
  • Analogies from nature
  • Analogies from the human body
  • Hymn & hymn worksheet
  • and much more!

“The Wisdom Booklet series will help introduce you and your family to Jesus Christ, the living Word of God, through the transforming power of the written Word of God, the Bible.”


View the First Booklet:

“The Wisdom Booklets laid a foundation for me to come to the Word of God. Through the meditation worksheet I actually began to see that the Word of God applied to me as an 8-year-old, and that the Word of God is approachable and brings us into a personal relationship with the Lord.”

