In 2015, the Department of Education in the Mures District in Romania prepared the documentation to accredit the character training program using an online platform. After ten months of prayer and a few revisions, the character training with the online platform has been accredited in the Mures District by the Minister of Education’s Office for fifteen credits! This new form of accreditation has great potential to quickly spread throughout the nation due to the flexibility and feedback of the online training.

Even though our online character training is accredited for only one district, schoolteachers throughout the country have been able to access it and test it. Here is one of the many testimonies we have received: “After completing the online character training program, I consider that my soul has been enriched, and I realize that the character development I’m doing with my students today will be seen tomorrow. Thank you for the resources you’ve provided and for the new perspective you’ve given me through this training!” —Gabriela C., Schoolteacher
Most of the Romania ministry’s efforts have involved the character training program with the teachers throughout the country. Recently the seminar online training has also been launched. Currently there are just a few people registered, but their feedback and progress is very encouraging! One said, “I’m so thrilled that I was able to finish the seminar online course! I’ve listened with great interest and delight, and now I’m working to put everything I’ve learned into practice.”
During the past couple months we’ve also contacted several spiritual leaders from different denominations and introduced to them the Biblical character resources which they can use in various ways with their churches.

We were amazed to learn that the Romanian Baptist Union included in their Sunday school curriculum this year over thirty character qualities as demonstrated in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ! The Biblical character resources were shared with many pastors, and they appreciated these resources as being outstanding and very insightful!
Please continue to pray that the glorious light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ would continue to spread throughout Romania, and that the Lord would continue to open doors of opportunity for the ministry in Romania. It is thrilling to see God’s hand at work all around the world.