Key Verse
The operational definition of obedience is “eagerly yielding to God’s Word rather than following my own will.” God is our ultimate Authority, and He reveals His will to us through His Word. His way is perfect (Psalm 18:30), so why would we choose any other way? We are mistaken when we think that our joy is found in getting what pleases us rather than in pursuing what pleases God.
We naturally think that our way is best, but our hearts can lead us astray. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” When we find that God’s Word differs from what we want, we demonstrate faith by choosing God’s way, not ours. What God leads us to do is better than anything we would naturally choose! “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5–6).
The opposite of obedience is willfulness. A willful person stubbornly insists on having his way. He may pout or delay or do a job half-heartedly. He may offer excuses or “better” suggestions rather than simply obeying. He feels he has a right to be his own boss because he “knows best.” The Bible says that rejecting God’s Word is foolish and continuing to resist leads to a disastrous end. (See Matthew 7:26–27, Romans 13:1–2.) Disobedience is sin. The most severe consequence of rebelling against the Lord is the broken fellowship that results. When this occurs, confession and repentance (a return to obedience) are the keys to restoring the relationship.
Evaluation Questions
- Am I reading and studying God’s Word so that I can know and understand His will for me?
- Would my parents describe me as willing to yield to their instructions or stubbornly wanting my way?
- Do I ever ask permission of one parent after the other one has said “No”?
- Do I know my parents’ goals for our family? How am I helping them to achieve those goals?
- When I am asked to do a task, do I respond cheerfully and quickly?
- Do I carefully and thoroughly complete my tasks, or do I only do the minimum required of me?
- Do my responses show that I believe that God is working in my life through my authorities?
- Do I pay full attention when my authorities speak to me so that I can correctly fulfill their instructions?
- If I am asked to compromise my convictions, do I know how to make a wise appeal?
More About Obedience
God enables me to:
Yield my will.
Trust Him to work.
Submit to authority.
Obey my authorities immediately.
Make my authorities successful.
Work with a cheerful attitude.
Complete all that I am expected to do.
Go “the extra mile.”
Refuse to violate my conscience.
Make wise appeals.
Obedience in Scripture
The Immediate Response of the Fishermen
Revealed in Nature
Wood Duck
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Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum
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