The Principle of Ownership: Acknowledging that everything I am and have comes from the Lord, and learning how to overcome the anger that commonly results when others tamper with my temporal possessions
The Biblical principle of ownership involves recognizing that all that we have or will have ultimately belongs to God, and that He has entrusted us with these resources and responsibilities to steward for His glory. As His stewards, by yielding our personal rights and expectations to Him, we are able to resolve irritations, anger, and worry related to our “things.”
Only as we yield our rights to God, along with those expectations we attach to those rights, are we free to focus on fulfilling the responsibilities those rights and expectations carry with them. God is not as interested in giving us what we “deserve” as He is in our recognizing that He is the Owner of all things and that He is able to work all things together for good. He may choose to withhold something you expected to receive in order to help you grow in maturity or to reveal more of Himself to you. God wants our heart!
Throughout the pages of Scripture, principles are contained that provide guidance for our personal lives and relationships. These principles touch on every relational sphere of life, whether it be marriage, family, business, church, or government. All relationships encounter conflict at some point, and if this conflict is not resolved, psychological, spiritual, and even physical damage can result. But when we discover that our conflicts are connected to violations of God’s principles, and we learn to adhere to these principles through the power of the Holy Spirit, a resolution can be experienced that produces peace in our daily interactions. When we learn to see and respond to life’s challenges from God’s viewpoint, and choose His grace over our natural inclination, everything changes!