We are praising the Lord for what He did during the Financial Freedom Seminar in Incheon, South Korea on November 17-20, 2014. After many years of hard work, the Financial Freedom Seminar with Korean subtitles was completed and introduced to a group of 25 pastors and church leaders. Overall, the seminar was well-received and there were many testimonies of repentance during the four-day period.
One of the seminar attendees shared at a church fellowship the following Sunday how she was deeply moved by the seminar and mentioned several areas that she was convicted about, even though none of the areas were directly related to finance. People jokingly asked her if she had gone to a financial seminar or a revival meeting. A deacon from another church wrote, “… I was moved by this Financial Freedom Seminar. At first, I thought this seminar was about money, but this was totally about the life of a believer….”

In 2013, the Financial Freedom book (previously known as Men’s Manual, Volume Two)was translated and printed in the Korean language. Now, with both the Financial Freedom book and video series by Jim Sammons translated, we look forward to God using these resources and materials to produce fruit in the lives of Korean-speaking people in the months and years to come. We thank the Lord that the Korean subtitle project has finally been completed.
We have tentatively scheduled the next Korean Financial Freedom Seminar for the first week of February 2015 near Seoul. Please pray for the attendance of many other pastors and church leaders at future seminars.