In August, young people gathered at a retreat center in Southeast Asia to take part in a Journey to the Heart. The goal of a Journey is to seek God, and to allow Him to deal with anything that might be hindering a person’s walk with Him. At the beginning of the week, the young people were exhorted about the importance of saturating their lives in the Word of God. They were also challenged to say “yes” to Him in each area that He touched on. God moved in a mighty way by touching the attendees’ hearts and working in their lives!
The retreat center where the Journey was held was in the hills. The location provided an ideal setting to be away from the busyness of life and unplug and wholly seek the Lord. As the participants sought the Lord, they also enjoyed the beauty of His creation around them, such as the colorful butterflies, verdant trees and shrubs, and a scenic view overlooking the bustling town below. A long millipede and a huge beetle with giant pincers were two of the many diverse insects spotted during the Journey.

The setting also provided the opportunity for a group excursion where the young people enjoyed hiking a small road up a hill. The hike was challenging because of the steep ascent. But the participants were up for the challenge and the views, as well as the climb itself, proved to be well worth the exerted energy!
Our Christian life, like this hike, can sometimes be an uphill journey — both challenging and rewarding. On this journey of life it is so important that we walk in surrender to the Lord and allow Him to remove barriers and obstacles that will hold us back.

As the participants worked through the Journey to the Heart material, they were reminded of the arduous yet rewarding hike. The material reinforced the challenge to allow the Lord to deal with barriers or hindrances in their Christian lives. Whether forgiving and releasing offenders, calling home to confess hidden sin, or taking time to intentionally seek God in prayer and the Word, these young people showed receptive hearts as they took these important steps of obedience. Much like the scenic view that was revealed at the conclusion of the hike, God was able to give these young people renewed vision for His heart for them and His purpose for their lives as they took time to seek Him on the Journey to the Heart.
Their understanding about God and themselves has really deepened over Journey to the Heart; they also gained more clarity about their identity in Christ.
Mother from Southeast Asia
The week following the Journey, a happy mother shared about her sons’ experience while on Journey: “I know their understanding about God and themselves has really deepened over Journey to the Heart; they also gained more clarity about their identity in Christ. . . . The Holy Spirit has affected fresh convictions in their personal walk with God and therein changed their outward behavior because of their inward renewal. Oh, all glory and praise be to God!”

Praise God for the work He did in the lives of those that participated in this Journey to the Heart! May He continue the mighty work that He has begun in their hearts and lives. And may He use these young people powerfully for His glory to impact Southeast Asia and the world for Himself and His kingdom.
To learn more about Journey to the Heart, visit