The 2014 Malaysia Family Conference was held November 13-15 in the historic city of Melaka with 360 participants coming from Singapore, Indonesia, China, and Malaysia. The ALERT Cadet challenge and a new program for young ladies called STRETCH were conducted in a local park. Students from all ages were involved in the programs.
Tim Levendusky welcomed the group and visited with many people throughout the conference. Gabriel Cleator spoke several times to the parents and young people on topics such as gratitude and abiding in Christ. Other sessions were covered using video messages from Tom Harmon, David Gibbs Jr, George Mattix, David Waller, Chad Christiansen, and Gil and Kelly Bates.

A group from each nation represented at the conference shared something culturally unique from their country in a special presentation on the final day. Thomas Teh gave certificates to seven couples who had served more than ten years each through their volunteering with the IBLP and ATI ministries in Southeast Asia.

Parents were glad to see one another and share the time together in reunions and visiting with families they knew from past conferences. The conference concluded in prayer.