In June during a long holiday weekend, 100 people gathered together in Melbourne. Instead of sightseeing or other typical holiday activities, they chose to spend the time seeking God and viewing seminars for understanding Biblical principles. One young man shared how he has been motivated to rise early every morning and memorize the life-giving “food” of God’s Word. A husband told how the principles of marriage that were shared in one of the seminars encouraged him to put his wife first. For many alumni, viewing the seminars again encouraged them to renew their commitments to Christ and His ways.

In July and August, regional conferences were held in various cities. The first conference took place in Sydney followed by Melbourne, the country’s second most populous city. For the third Family Conference, attendees gathered on the western side of Australia in Perth.

The conferences included informative messages, stirring testimonies, and supportive fellowship. Attending families heard messages on the topics of speaking blessings to your spouse, standing alone in choosing to obey God in home-educating, and being committed to prayer. In the accompanying programs for the young people, participants were challenged to consider God’s calling to be world-changers for His glory through being totally committed to Him and letting Him use their talents, time, and lives to show the world how good and great He is.

At each conference, enthusiastic groups of children learned about the importance of prizing and following wisdom and learning to identify folly. They enjoyed skits and stories about characters who had to choose between wise or foolish options in life. They also memorized verses from Proverbs and made a craft that illustrated the priceless value of Christ as our wisdom. Overall, Australian families were grateful for the enriching “vacation” that Family Conferences provide!