At the height of East Texas summer, more than 200 people gathered in Big Sandy for a week of fellowship, encouragement, and strengthening from the Word of God. Many were returning families, while others were first-time attendees. One family came from as far away as Puerto Rico and others from California to participate in the conference!
Some of the wonderful messages from April were shared, including Scott Pauley’s message “Happy Homes”; “How To Be A Man After God’s Own Heart,” by Johnny Pope; and “The Most Outrageous Joy,” by Eric Ludy. New speakers for the Summer Family Conference included Darren Myers, Scott Aniol, Jerry Benjamin, and Joe Norvell. Many of the 2021 Big Sandy Spring Family Conference messages are available online at, and the Summer Family Conference messages will be available in the coming months.

Thursday evening of the conference, the attendees enjoyed the 2021 Sound Foundations concert. The auditorium echoed with the strains of “The Lord Gave The Word,” by Handel; “There Shall A Star come Out of Jacob,” by Mendelssohn; and the premier of “Jesus Shall Reign,” arranged by one of the Sound Foundations instructors; and other stirring choral works.

The Family Conference Children’s Programs are always a favorite among children, and this conference was no exception. The Children’s Institute studied four names of God: Elohim, Adoni, El Roi, and Jehovah Raah. The angels in heaven rejoiced when one of the students gave her life to Christ! Pre-Excel learned the importance of the Truth in combatting lies we believe. The ALERT Cadets looked at the battles they face as young men and the overcoming power of Christ.

The Big Sandy Summer Family Conference was an encouragement to all who attended in person and those that participated online. After viewing the Family Conference live stream, a family Northern Canada wrote, “Thanks for letting us join you live at the Family Conference. The messages we got to hear were a great blessing. I know we could just hear the messages on Embassy later, but I love being able to hear the congregational singing, the special music, the student choir, the Sound Foundations concert, and all the extras. ATI conference was always a highlight years ago when we were homeschooling our children. It brings back many memories.”