


Character Qualities

Commands of Christ

Basic Life Principles

Attributes of God

Two circuit preachers knew that a particular distillery had wrecked the lives of several families in the area. Lives were destroyed as Christians backslid into drunkenness and rage. Men struck their wives in fits of drunken anger, and children cowered in fear of their enraged, intoxicated fathers.
Communication with God does not require a certain physical position, neither is a particular position prescribed for a particular occasion. However, our prayer postures can give expression to the attitudes of our hearts.
News & ReportsNews & Reports
Messages from the Big Sandy April Family Conference are now available to be viewed at!
This fun whiteboard video will challenge some of your thoughts on the difference between knowing about God or knowing Him personally!
It is vital to develop attentiveness, because many other character qualities are dependent on it. Without attentiveness, we will not even hear the commands of Scripture or the instructions of parents or authorities.
Crying out to God is an act of desperation and total concentration. It is a fervent expression of faith in God and trust in His goodness and power to act on your behalf.
People everywhere yearn to hear God’s voice. How does God speak? Is it possible to hear His voice? Is God speaking to us? If so, how do we hear Him? Christianity is a relationship; every relationship is established and maintained through communication. Learning to hear God’s voice is vital if we want to deepen our relationship with our Heavenly Father.
Do you struggle to pray for an extended period of time without getting distracted, running out of things to say, or falling asleep? You can overcome these obstacles!
As a parent, one of the most significant and influential roles you play is that of being a faithful prayer warrior on behalf of your child. Because of the closeness of your relationship, you can know your child as no one else knows him and discern when he most needs prayer support.