Family Camp is a memorable time for families to relax and enjoy adventure in the Piney Woods of East Texas. Over 1,100 people gathered October 10–17 to experience teambuilding activities, crafts, and challenging messages. This year’s theme, “On the Front Lines, Standing for Your Faith,” encouraged families to be bold witnesses for the glorious Gospel of Christ.
Family Camp is one of the outreaches of the International ALERT Academy (IAA), a ministry that challenges young men to have the mind of Christ as humble servants and “fight the good fight” as a “soldier of the cross.” Desiring to touch the lives of families around the world with the love of Jesus, the ALERT students and staff had the incredible opportunity to serve the families who visited during this action-packed time.

This year marked the second highest attendance since Family Camp’s beginning fifteen years ago. Guests enjoyed rappelling, rock climbing, archery, volleyball, canoeing, disc golf, and building unity on the low ropes course, just to name a few of the activities available during this great family vacation. Family Campers voted Lakefront Day as a memorable favorite, complete with canoe races, tug-o’-war, a slip-n-slide, and snow cones. They also ranked “The Legend of El Ricoh,” a dramatic western musical put on by the staff and students of IAA, as one of the top events.

It was exciting to see so many Family Campers smiling, laughing, and loving this refreshing week. Families were challenged, blessed, and inspired to run with endurance the race set before and to stand boldly for the cross of Jesus Christ. Want to jump in? Family Camp 2016 is scheduled for October 8–14. We hope you will be able to join us for a time of encouragement, fellowship, and unforgettable memories! For more information about the International ALERT Academy or Family Camp, please visit or call us at 903-636-2000.