“How do I hear from God?” This question was on the hearts and minds of the young men who gathered together for a Journey to the Heart during the last week of March in Big Sandy, Texas. These young men, with ages ranging from 14–17, had heard that they were supposed to have a close walk with God. However, since you can’t have close fellowship with someone you don’t know well, these young men were hungry to learn how to hear God’s voice.
The guys attending the Journey stayed in a house that is tucked away on the edge of beautiful Lake Loma. The season was springtime in East Texas, with trees starting to bloom, grass turning deep green, and the warm weather starting. The location was a wonderful place to retreat from the busy-ness of life and learn how to hear from the Lord.

During the Journey, the young men heard that one learns to know the Lord’s voice by spending time with Him and hearing Him speak through His Word, the Bible. As they read their Bibles, they were instructed to meditate on what they were reading. After 40 minutes of reading and meditation, everyone gathered together for dinner. Many of them were surprised how quickly their time reading the Bible and meditating on His Word had passed! They were beginning to see that when believers spend time truly communing and fellowshipping with the Lord, time seems to fly by.

Another aspect of learning to hear from God is to allow Him to deal with areas in our lives that hinder us from hearing His voice. Some hindrances discussed included murmuring and complaining, the subtlety of pride, and bitterness. One young man shared how God was dealing with an area of bitterness he had allowed in his life, enabling him to forgive the person who had hurt him.

Seeing these young men grow in their relationship with the Lord throughout the week was encouraging. God was at work in them and bringing positive change into their lives. One participant explained that he had heard that he was not supposed to be “lukewarm” in his Christian life, but he had never heard how someone could be “hot” for God. During the Journey he began to see that the way he would become “hot” for God was through spending time with Him, treasuring the Scriptures in his heart. The young man also shared that he discovered that when a wrong thought crossed his mind, he could quote the verse he was meditating on and the wrong thought would disappear!
The campus in Big Sandy, Texas, proved to be a great Journey location. The Young Ladies’ Journey will be taking place May 18–26 on the same campus. For more information about this upcoming Ladies’ Journey and other Journeys in 2019, please visit: lifesrealjourney.com/events/
2019 Journey Dates:
- Young Ladies’ Journey: May 18–26 (Big Sandy, Texas)
- Young Men’s Journey: June 15–23 (Northwoods, Michigan)
- Dads’ Journey: June 15–23 (Northwoods, Michigan)
- Young Ladies’ Journey: July 13–21 (Northwoods, Michigan)
- Moms’ Journey: July 13–21 (Northwoods, Michigan)
- Family Journey: September 21–29 (Northwoods, Michigan)