The theme has been selected. The speakers are being confirmed. Excitement is mounting as preparations continue for the 2018 Family Conferences! Several new changes will be apparent at next year’s conferences.
One change is in location. Two conference sites will remain the same: the Big Sandy conference in April and the Sacramento conference in July. New this year is a June conference at the Northwoods Conference Center near Watersmeet, Michigan. Often referred to simply as “the Northwoods,” many people have attended other conferences, Journeys, and events at the peaceful, remote center over the years. However, June 2018 will mark the first time a Family Conference has been held at this much-loved location. Within a week or two of the news getting out about this new conference location, half of the on-site lodging was booked. There are still rooms and camping options available.
Another new change will be seen in the Big Sandy conference schedule. The conference will start one day earlier, with an evening session on Monday, April 23. This will allow nearly the same amount of sessions without having the sessions go quite as late in the evenings. This schedule change will only affect the Big Sandy location (April 23–28). The Northwoods Family Conference is scheduled for June 5–9, and the Sacramento Family Conference will be July 3–6.
This year’s conference theme is taken from I John 4:10, which says, “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” Experiencing Christ’s love personally and becoming a channel of that love to others is the fulfillment of the Law and the prophets. Sometimes that love is tested, as Dr. Josef Tson experienced during his many years in and out of the Communist prisons in Romania. Yet, as he will share at this year’s conferences, God’s love is greater than evil and casts out fear. Scripture states, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear” (I John 4:18). Dr. Tson will explain how the fear of death is conquered when we—with trust in God—willingly laying down our lives for others.
Other speakers will share timely messages from their lives and families. Included among the 2018 conference speakers are Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, Gil and Kelly Bates, Joe Norvell, Peter Magnuson, Scott Aniol, Steve Scheibner, and Larry Guthrie. Please check each conference location for the speaker lineup.
Breakout sessions have been popular in the past. Special sessions have been available for pastors, recently married couples, and single parents. Next year at the Big Sandy Family Conference, we are adding a track for older singles, aged 25+. It is anticipated that this change will be beneficial for those who select that track.
Adults will hear dynamic life-changing messages from the podium, while children may attend meaningful teaching for learning and growing spiritually. These learning experiences are led by Godly young people who desire to help younger ones grow in their love for God and His Word. Songs, Scripture memory, crafts, and object lessons are carefully woven throughout each day so children learn memorable, life-impacting lessons. One parent recently remarked, “There are very few places my child goes and then comes back so full of Scripture, wholesome songs, and stories that have impacted his life. Thank you for all you do to make these events unlike anything else out there.”
Families attend the Family Conferences year after year, often anticipating the fellowship with like-minded believers. Lasting relationships with others that they meet at the conferences have been enjoyed for years. After attending their first family conference, one family stated, “We found our people!”
For a complete list of speakers and programs for the 2018 Family Conferences, please visit our website at Registration is now open for all three 2018 conferences. Housing and details for each location is also available online at our website.