What is the truth “litmus test” for everything we hear? First, is it exalting Jesus? Second, is it exalting the Word of God? The goal of a true teacher ought always to be to point others away from himself and to the Lord Jesus Christ. In this episode, Nate and Gabe explore Biblical examples and descriptions that often accompany false teachers. Join them as they conclude this four part series on the command of Christ, Beware of False Prophets!
In our day, there is a growing need for us to be able to discern between what is true and what is false. With so much teaching from so many sources available at our fingertips, we can see that Jesus’ command to Beware of False Prophets is just as applicable and needful for us today! For this reason, may we daily saturate our hearts and minds in the Word of God! As we do, we will know the Truth and be able to discern what is not of God through the power of His Holy Spirit.