Experiencing God on a Journey!

September 16, 2021

A group of 13 ladies, including 3 sets of sisters, recently gathered in Big Sandy, Texas, for a Journey to the Heart. The Journey house is on beautiful lake Loma at the International ALERT Academy. Journey to the Heart seeks to create a time and place where young people can get away from the distractions of life and experience the reality of God. One young lady indicated she started the journey to a closer friendship with Jesus on this Journey. Previously, she had found it difficult to stay focused in her prayer times. While she was on the Journey, she started writing in her journal a letter for Jesus every day. She found that this enabled her to focus much better.

Another young lady shared that, before coming on the Journey, her Christian life was apathetic. She grew up in a Christian family but did not have a genuine relationship with God. During the pandemic quarantine, and as she left for college, her relationship with God was further dampened. She did not have her church community around her and she did not see how spending time in prayer was relevant to her life. While on the Journey, she learned about meditation on Scripture and how time spent thinking about small sections of Scripture in a focused way allows us to hear from the Lord. This young lady found that, as she was spending time in the Word, God spoke to her! She heard from God through His Word, something she had not experienced before.

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