Exploring the Principle of Freedom

Escaping the bondage of moral impurity


The Principle of Freedom: Discovering how “major” entanglements in sin begin with little compromises, choices, and thought patterns, and learning how to transfer the ground of my soul from Satan’s deadly dictates to Christ’s life-giving reign

Christ’s victory over sin and death has set us free from bondage. This release does not mean temptation will cease. According to James 1:14, “Every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.” What then is the freedom we have in Christ? It is the freedom to do what is right! You know you are free when you can make the choice to resist temptation and follow after righteousness. God empowers us to walk in freedom from the bondage of sin. “Like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life” (Romans 6:4). (See also Galatians 2:20, 5:24.)

Moral freedom is not a status to be obtained, it is a Person to be depended upon. And that Person’s name is Jesus! As we pursue intimacy with Jesus and are filled more and more with His Word, we will see Him increase our lives, and thus be set free from the bondage of sin!

Moral freedom is not a status to be obtained, it is a Person to be depended upon. And that Person’s name is Jesus!

Throughout the pages of Scripture, principles are contained that provide guidance for our personal lives and relationships. These principles touch on every relational sphere of life, whether it be marriage, family, business, church, or government. All relationships encounter conflict at some point, and if this conflict is not resolved, psychological, spiritual, and even physical damage can result. But when we discover that our conflicts are connected to violations of God’s principles, and we learn to adhere to these principles through the power of the Holy Spirit, a resolution can be experienced that produces peace in our daily interactions. When we learn to see and respond to life’s challenges from God’s viewpoint, and choose His grace over our natural inclination, everything changes!

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