Soul Winning

Soul Winning

Concerned neighbors pray every day for a troubled family three doors down. Years later, the troubled family becomes gloriously saved, and their son becomes an evangelist. The evangelist goes on to speak for a pastor from an Amish background, and God unexpectedly uses...
Ambassadors for Christ

Ambassadors for Christ

A nation’s ambassador represents the leader’s authority, values, goals, and objectives to others. How that diplomat lives while abroad is usually closely scrutinized and evaluated. Similarly, as ambassadors for Christ, we represent Him and His Kingdom to those around...
To Whom Shall We Go?

To Whom Shall We Go?

Do you, like Peter, agree that Jesus is the only One you need to go to for all your needs? What we’re willing to give up for Christ. What the world offers may seem appealing for a time, but in the end it leads to unfulfillment and darkness.
Continue in Prayer

Continue in Prayer

We pray—but how can we persevere in our prayers? Gabriel Cleator shares four truths to help us continue in prayer. His alliterative points will be easy to recall as you enter your prayer closet and spend time with the Lord. Gabriel reminds us that even the very power...
Entertaining God

Entertaining God

Prayer is so much more than just asking God for a wish list of desired items and outcomes. Prayer is hosting the very presence of God and communing with Him. Prayer is not about asking God how He might serve us; rather, it is actually us asking Him how we might serve...
Legacy of Faith: Rick & Donna Warner — Free Episode

Legacy of Faith: Rick & Donna Warner — Free Episode

We have some exciting news and a special treat for you this month! In September, we will be releasing a brand new addition to our Legacy of Faith collection! This series documents the stories of Rick and Donna Warner, who were burdened to take the Gospel to the...
A Glimpse of Glory in Isaiah

A Glimpse of Glory in Isaiah

Isaiah 6 shows us the profound experience of Isaiah’s vision of God’s glory, completely transforming Isaiah’s life. In the same way, when we see God’s glory it provides a new perspective on life, influencing how we view ourselves and our circumstances. All the earthly...
Struggling Sinners or Righteous Reigning

Struggling Sinners or Righteous Reigning

A sin-conscious heart focuses on the law, leading to fear, unworthiness, and frustration. A God-conscious heart focuses on Jesus, resulting in faith, peace, and joy. Our true identity as believers is as saints, not sinners. Our new nature defaults to righteousness...
Show Me Your Glory

Show Me Your Glory

Walk with Joe through the gripping story of Moses’ conversations with God following the golden calf incident. Moses deeply intercedes for the Israelites and insists on God’s presence with them despite their sin. God initially offers to send an angel instead, but Moses...
The Face of Jesus

The Face of Jesus

In this keynote message, Johnny Pope enthusiastically describes the reality of God’s glory that is revealed in the face of Jesus Christ. Not only is He holy and sovereign, He is also our Good Shepherd, and yet He holds the earth in the palm of His hands too. Pastor...
Transformed Instead of Conformed

Transformed Instead of Conformed

Have you ever wondered what God’s will is for your life? Do you know what His desires are for you? In this message, Gabriel Cleator explains God’s desire for us to be transformed into the image of Christ. He shares how a key aspect of this transformation is connected...
The Firefly Principle

The Firefly Principle

For those who trust Him, God has the plan of a lifetime. But it comes by losing, then finding. It’s true! It’s the wonderful life we never expected. Rather than trying to write our own story, we can have the excitement of living, by faith, the life we were meant to...
What Seals the Deal in Living for the Lord

What Seals the Deal in Living for the Lord

Life can be discouraging when we see the ungodly prosper. It seems that worldly people flourish, even if they directly violate the laws of God. Based on this, young Christians will sometimes question why they should live God’s way. Bob Gray unpacks a Psalm written by...
Embracing the Word of God

Embracing the Word of God

Early in his Christian life, while working as a Michigan State trooper, God led Tom Harmon to not be ashamed of the Word of God and to begin carrying his Bible to work. In this vivid and colorful sermon, he dives into what it means to honor, read, study, and use the...
First of All, Prayer

First of All, Prayer

Do you approach God in prayer, expecting that your anxiety is what will twist God’s arm to respond? What is the power behind your prayers? In this message, Caleb Reed reminds us that our prayers are answered, not because we are great intercessors, but because of Who...
Doing the Impossible

Doing the Impossible

Asking in prayer is essential because it is God Who moves mountains. If we want to see Him work in our world, why not just ask? These three simple verses, along with three compelling stories, help broaden our vision to the works that God desires to do through us! “You...
The Adventures of “God’s Double Agent”

The Adventures of “God’s Double Agent”

Imagine growing up in a poverty-stricken family in Communist China, having financial and political aspirations, taking part in the Tiananmen Square protest, being labeled an “instigator of unrest” by the government, then being brought to public shame that led to...
In Every Thing

In Every Thing

How do the pressures in your life affect you? Do they distract you from your walk with God or do they move you to greater reliance on the Lord? Nathan Johnson, in his message based on Philippians 4:4–8, encourages you to allow God to use those pressures of life to...
The Rope and the Shovel

The Rope and the Shovel

How many times do you find yourself in a hard situation and you automatically go into autopilot, trying to figure out how to get out of the situation? Eric Ludy shares with us a “recipe for the impossible for God to not answer prayer.” In this stirring message, hear...
Permitted and Protected

Permitted and Protected

Through the confrontational dialog between Jesus and Peter in Luke 22:24, Ron Dunn encourages us that sifting is not only to be expected, and not only is it for our good, but it is for the good of our brethren as well.