Seeing God Work in Prison

June 28, 2017

I am humbled to be a part of what God is doing in prisons in answer to prayer. I have been learning more and more that my responsibility is not to do the work of the Lord but to simply submit to the leading of His Spirit and watch Him accomplish what only He can do.

The most recent week of Prison Ministry seminars was very eventful in many different ways. Before entering the compound, I knew that this facility had been having some issues with fights and rioting. What I didn’t know was how the Lord was going to use the truths presented to set many captives free.

On the first day of the training, we covered God’s purpose for creating us. After viewing one of the sessions, an excited inmate came and told me that, because of what he had learned from the seminar, he was now thanking God for his cerebral palsy! To me, this was incredible! It was amazing to watch the inmates focus on each session, trying to learn as much as they could.

At the end of a session later in the week, we received word that a fight had broken out in the compound and the seminar attendees were not allowed to leave the chapel at that time. This presented a perfect opportunity to gather in a circle, hold hands, bind the enemy, and speak life and healing into the situation. It was awesome to hear as several different inmates poured out their hearts before God for their fellow brothers who were caught up in the struggle!

It is amazing to see what doors God can open when we are sensitive to the leading of His Holy Spirit. I know that the ministering of God in the lives of the inmates and staff was a direct result of your prayers. Thank you!

Please continue to pray for both the staff and inmates, that God’s Word would continue to advance, and that those who sit in darkness would see the “Great Light”!

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