February 2019 Registration Open!
With online training videos, written material and assignments, online group meetings, and accountability for spiritual disciplines, Rise Up will challenge you to encounter God for yourself and see how His personal relationship with you affects every area of your life. If you are interested in joining our next Rise Up session, you may register at riseupdiscipleship.com/register. Dates are February 4–April 29, 2019.
Host Your Own Rise Up Group
Did you know the Rise Up curriculum works well in group settings such as Sunday School classes or Bible Study groups? If you are interested in using Rise Up in this way, please visit riseupdiscipleship.com/onsite.
“Rise Up takes some of the most simple, foundational concepts in the Bible and makes them come alive! My heart and mind are continually being renewed as God’s big, life-changing concepts become tangible and applicable. Many of us know so much about God; Rise Up helps you grow in knowing God personally.”
—Jennifer, 23