Work, Games, a Run, and Bible Instruction Encourage Cadets to “Press On!” in Christ

April 5, 2024

A company of twenty-eight fathers, leaders, and sons came together for three days of the 2024 South-Central Father-Son Service Camp. The group of nine fathers, sixteen sons, and three Cadre embarked on a packed weekend of fellowship, service, and Biblical instruction in Big Sandy, Texas, March 14–17. 

The theme for the camp was Philippians 3:14, “I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Our motto was “Pressing On!” Sharing, teaching, and conversation during the weekend centered around encouraging each one to “press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.” Evenings around the campfire were spent with fathers and sons sharing their testimonies of how they came to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. 

Friday morning Wisdom Search was led by a member of Cadre. In his teaching, he provided an acrostic for ALERT: 

Accept responsibility
Lead courageously
Eternal mindset
Reject passivity
Trust God 

Following the Wisdom Search, the Company conducted a service project. They picked up trash along the adjoining roads north of the IAA campus, White Oak Road, and Weeping Willow Road, collecting three pickup truck loads! They also cleared a fence line of tangled vines, shrubs, and trees in the northwestern corner of the campground. 

On Saturday morning, the ALERT cadets and dads were led in a Wisdom Search that included a comparative discussion of the cursed man and the blessed man in Jeremiah 17:5–8. Various members of the Company shared how the Holy Spirit brought truths to light for them. The Company next had a morning run, complete with jodies (cadence calls). The run was followed by fun activities, including four rounds of Human Stratego and practicing a river crossing. Human Stratego was a definite favorite, as evidenced with participants begging to play yet another round!

The father-son team is the core in ALERT Cadet. With this in mind, Saturday afternoon was set aside as free time for the men and sons to spend together talking through the testimonies and teachings from the camp. Many of them chose to have their personal discussions together in canoes! 

On the final day of the packed weekend, the Company gathered in Pine Lodge for worship and Bible teaching. The passage expounded was Mark 10:32–52, where Jesus twice asked, “What would ye that I should do for you?” Each person there was challenged to aim to achieve the goal God has set for him, to spare no cost in quest, and to spare no effort in his pressing toward the mark of knowing and laying hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of them. 

Following the time of worship, the Company assembled for final inspection. The inspection was another opportunity to encourage each camp participant to continue pressing on to lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of them. Evaluations were submitted by every father and each son to guide leadership for future successful, productive camps in continuing the mission of ALERT Cadet—to turn the hearts of fathers to sons and sons to fathers (Malachi 4:6). 

To find out more about the ALERT Cadet program, please visit

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