Throughout Scripture God only gives two choices for how to live our lives — as He said in Deuteronomy 30, we can choose life or we can choose death. In this new command, we will see that Christ gives the same two choices: we can either choose the narrow way (i.e., life) or we can choose the broad way (i.e., death). This choice doesn’t just apply to salvation. A huge part of learning to walk in the narrow way is learning to “choose life” by choosing to put our relationship with the Lord first and to turn from anything that hinders our relationship with Him.
The choice to walk in the narrow way isn’t just a one-time choice, but one we must make daily to have our actions and even our thoughts be in agreement with God. Whether you are going strong in your walk with the Lord or needing some encouragement, this study on the command Choose the Narrow Way will encourage you to choose and keep choosing deeper fellowship with Christ over anything else!